Saturday, April 18, 2015

Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications


Linphone is one of the best free VoIP applications

Linphone is a free VoIP application lets you to make voip calls over the internet to connect your family, relatives, friends via internet .
With Linphone you can communicate with people with voice, text messaging, and video through internet, it is one of the best VoIP softwares it is freeware, open source and compatible with the SIP protocol, also linphone site provides free SIP accounts to make audio and video calls over the internet at no paying.

Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications
Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications 

Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications
Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications
Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications
Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications

Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications
Download Linphone one of the best free VoIP applications

Features for Linphone

- Linphone supports multiple calls .
- Linphone supports audio conferencing .
- Linphone Supports IPv6 .
- Linphone supports audio with speex , G711 ,ILBC, GSM, SILK, G722, OPUS, and video with VP8, H264 and mpeg4 codecs.
- The account creation assistant.
-  Text messaging (chat) with delivery status notification .
-  Addressbook and call history .
-  Audio and video calls with HD quality .
- Instant messages .
- Sharing files .
-  Security in calling .
- Easy to install and use .
- Faster and highly responsive UI .

And more amazing features for Linphone .

Now it is time to download Linphone it is avaliable for desktop and mobile, Here you can Download  Linphone for Windows, Mac, Linux, and for Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod), and Windows phone
Download :
Windows Phone


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